UI Design Challenge

Maggie Karaya
3 min readJan 15, 2020



After much hype — I decided to try out the Daily UI challenge. I wanted to treat this as my journey into flexing, learning, and understanding more about visual design. I also wanted to bring my own interests and approach — which is why I decided to center my challenge around the New Wave / Cyberpunk / 1980s feel.


Design 100 days worth of UI to continue to learn and grow as a designer.

If you want to join the fun — sign up at https://www.dailyui.co/


Identify design trends and existing UI

Quickly mockup or sketch ideas based on the day’s theme

Grab helpful resources or make my own

Produce a New Wave / Cyberpunk / 1980s / Neon feel

Design around topics that I cared about


Photos used as part of the UI by Craig Adderley from Pexels

Login Screen
Credit Card Checkout
Landing Page
App Icon
User Profile
404 page
Social Share
Music Player
Flash Message (Success/Failure)
E-Commerce (Single Item)
Direct Messaging
Countdown Timer
ON/OFF Switch
Pop up / Overlay
Email Receipt
Analytics Chart
Location Tracker
Home Monitoring Dashboard
Boarding Pass
TV App

Calling it good

I am proud I made it to #25 of the Daily UI Challenge. After some reflection, there are plenty of other things I’m pursuing to do at the moment, and UI challenges were not providing me the expected ROI I initially anticipated.

Although I don’t foresee myself finishing it the challenge, I’m proud of the progress I made. Sometimes it’s the journey and the progress rather than the final line.

